How to Download and Install GGPoker on IOS?
Minimum System Requirements for IOS Devices:
- iPhone 7 Plus / iPad Air 2 / iPad Mini 4 (iPhone X or higher, iPad 7 / iPad Air 3 / iPad Pro 2 /iPad Mini 5 or higher recommended);
- 3 GB RAM or greater recommended;
- 250 MB of free disk space (1 GB or greater recommended).
Usually, after registration, you can click the «Download» button and App Store will open. In this case, the installation process is simple and fast. But sometimes you have to use the method described below. If you can’t download the application, use the Firefox browser!
- Click on the «Sign Up» button;
- Confirm your country of residence and register an account;
- Click on the «Download» button;
- Contact the support service at help@ggpoker.com if you couldn’t open the App Store;
- Open the received message and download the application using the link;
- Open «Settings» – «General» – «VPN & Device Management». Select «NSUS Ltd.» and tap «Trust “NSUS Ltd.”»;
- Open the «GGPoker» application;
- Log in to your account;
- Make your first deposit and get a bonus of $600;
- Set up the buy-in range for tournaments and start playing.